Individual coaching
I see you, I hear you, I honor you
You may be in the process of wondering “What Am I doing here?” Or “What is my true direction?” You feel stuck, you hear a deep inner calling, you may be in a personal crisis, which is the usual call for this next adventure ... You know there is more and you are curious to explore.
Creative and experiential coaching is for people who want more than just talk. Not only the mind, but also the body, emotions, intuition and imagination are touched. By working with art materials and tuning I challenge you to give shape and sound to personal themes. Feelings, thoughts and experiences that are difficult to put into words become very sensible, visible and audible.
I am with you and offer you my full presence, my gentle support. You will feel safe to be vulnerable and find the strength to go to the roots of your behaviors, your patterns, to see, to let go and thank, ... step into a new dimension of loving honesty and light.
A therapy session with me starts with a meditation, check-in, creative*sound session and sharing. Your process is unique. You don't have to be able to draw, paint or sing at all, this will come naturally.
'I close my eyes to see'
- Paul Gauguin
You feel a deep inner calling, curious to hear your inner voice, your inner wisdom.
You long to relax within yourself, enjoy and receive life.
You wish to raise your frequency and are willing to release.
Your commitment is to stay balanced, here*now?
Your soul’s desire is to embody divine union.
Your desire is to activate your unique creativity.
You are committed to your own path of awakening.
You are willing to do the inner work, liberate yourself and step fully in your power.
You have a dream that you really want to see come true and you need someone to support and motivate.
You experience fatigue, depressive feelings and sadness, you long for joy, openness and light.
You want to learn to deal with stress and anxiety.
You're struggling with boundaries and balance, you decide to root yourself.
Your perfectionism paralyzes you, you experience fear of failure.
You are dealing with an inevitable or existing burnout.